Danville Community College subscribes to the following ethical principles:
Members of the college will be fair and just in our decisions and actions. In order to provide fair and just treatment, we will carefully weigh the circumstances and variables linked with any decision and make the best attempt to be consistent and equitable.
Practices deriving from this principle are that:
• Hiring and promotion are fair and just.
• Student and employee evaluation is consistent and fair.
• Workload is appropriately assigned and equitably compensated.
• Rules and regulations are consistently applied.
• Decisions are based on facts and evidence and not on opinions and prejudices.
• Appropriate support is provided for students and clients.
Members of the college will maintain a learning and work environment in which we feel secure enough to provide honest commentary about the operation and management of the organization. From our work in the classroom to the delivery of administrative and support services, we will encourage an honest climate which serves the interests of the institution and protects the well-being of all individuals. We will not use affiliation with the college for personal gain.
Practices deriving from this principle are that:
• Truthfulness with other employees and students is demonstrated.
• Accurate accounts of the college are given.
• Internal controls are established and maintained.
• Distinction is made between official and private actions.
• Dishonesty is not tolerated.
Members of the college will act in the best interests of our students and clients. As a community dedicated to providing education, we will demonstrate professional integrity and exemplary behavior in all that we do in and for the college.
Practices deriving from this principle are that:
• The Mission Statement of the college is understood and supported.
• Conflict of interest and/or the appearance thereof is avoided.
• The professional autonomy of fellow employees is respected.
• Professional best practices are ascertained and followed.
• Official position is not used to secure privileges or advantages
Members of the college will demonstrate a high regard for the rights and opinions of others. It is our responsibility to establish a climate of mutual respect, to protect the rights and freedoms of others and to be discreet in dealing with confidential matters.
Practices deriving from this principle are that:
• Students and fellow employees are treated with consideration.
• Collegiality and civility in all activities are observed.
• The privacy and confidentiality of students and employees are safeguarded.
• The various cultures, ethnicities, religions, races, and sexual orientations of others are respected.
• An environment free from discrimination and harassment is promoted.
Members of the college believe that a healthy organization is built on trust. Trust assumes a community in which ethical principles are promoted and applied. The development of trust also depends on our ability to recognize threats to the psychological and/or physical safety of others and to eliminate these threats by treating others equitably, fairly and in a non-exploitive manner.
Practices deriving from this principle are that:
• Outside influences are not allowed to interfere with commitment to the college.
• The power inherent in positions of authority is not exploited.
• The competence and integrity of fellow employees are assumed.
• A safe and secure learning and work environment is provided.
• Breaches of the Code of Ethics are not condoned.