by Tyree Ferrante, Danville Community College Tutor

On Thursday, October 10, Danville Community College (DCC) celebrated National Tutor Appreciation Week by honoring its 26 peer and professional tutors.
The evening kicked off with Dr. Violeta Howard, the new tutoring center coordinator, welcoming the tutors, tutees, and friends who were in attendance.
Derik Ferrante played soulful tunes on his guitar throughout the evening. Before sitting down to dinner, Christopher Ford, director of learning resources and distance learning, described the importance of those being honored: “The Tutoring Center wouldn’t be able to run without the tutors. You’re the ones who make the face-to-face contact with the students. When the students think of the Tutoring Center, they associate it with the tutors.”
Ford then took the time to honor two special guests: Letitia Lunsford and Linda Hudgins. Lunsford worked as the Tutoring Center Coordinator for seventeen years before recently accepting a position in the college’s testing center.
The tutors gathered around the very humbled Lunsford, presented her with a plaque and card, and stood for pictures.
“She was the life blood of the Tutoring Center,” stated Ford. “She took over, running the place by herself. She was really devoted to the Tutoring Center and helping students.”
Dr. Howard presented Lunsford flowers and stated, “I’m extremely appreciative and very grateful for your immense support in my new role.”
Linda Hudgins, a professional tutor employed by the tutoring center for 20 years, was also honored.
Hudgins, 71, worked with thousands of students and became an integral part of the tutoring center and community during her tenure at DCC.
“I was very happy to meet Linda because I had heard so much about her. I know that her services as a tutor are still impacting many lives,” Howard said.
“She was the one person who has ever insisted the building be open on a Saturday to work with students,” Ford added.
Lunsford took the time to read a few comments from Hudgins’ former tutees. One particular comment summarized her tutees’ sentiment towards her:
“Linda was very patient with me, even with things that I should have known. She was always on time and available to help me on my subject six days a week. Without her help, a lot of the accounting students would have failed the subject. We are fortunate to have her at DCC.”

Danville Community College is a two-year institution of higher education under the state-wide Virginia Community College System. DCC's service area includes the City of Danville, Pittsylvania County, and Halifax County. For more information about the college’s nearly 100 programs of study, visit