Danville Community College, in partnership with the Danville/Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce, the City of Danville, Pittsylvania County Community Action, PATHS, BrightView, and Goodwill Industries, Inc., is hosting a community-wide ‘Job Resource Fair’ at the Community Market in Danville on November 1, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. The event is open to the public and anyone with an employment need is encouraged to attend.
“Community is in our name and at the heart of everything we do,” said Dr. Jerry Wallace, president of Danville Community College. “We strive to do our part by ensuring we are connecting local industries and business owners with job seekers though community events and career training."
The event is geared toward both job seekers, and employers. Local businesses who are seeking to hire new employees may reserve a space for a table at the event where they will meet job seekers, receive resumes, and distribute information about their open positions.
“We have had an incredible amount of interest from both job seekers and businesses that have employment openings,” said Barry Mayo, recruiter for the TARE/CAPE program at DCC and the coordinator of the Job Resource Fair. “The event will also feature support services information, educational opportunities, and other important resources for those who may be struggling in our community.”
Job seekers are encouraged to dress for success and bring copies of their resume with them to the event.
“The purpose of the TARE/CAPE program at Danville Community College is to erase barriers to education,” said Paul Farrar, director of the TARE/CAPE program. “By spearheading this Job and Resource Fair, we are bringing together employers and community resources under one roof, so our community can see what is available to aid them in reaching their educational and employment goals.”
Attendees of the event will be welcome to visit each booth and talk to employers and support services personnel.
“If we can host an event that brings a person out of a difficult situation and to a place where they can learn about support resources, further their education, earn a credential, or become employed, then we have done our job as community partners,” said Dr. Wallace.
For more information, or to reserve a space as a business seeking employees, contact Barry Mayo at barry.mayo@danville.edu or call 434-797-8429.