As the new year unfolds, I find my self reflecting on the recent activities and accomplishments that have not only fostered community engagement but also celebrated significant achievements at Danville Community College (DCC).
On December 12th, Ace the PrezPup collaborated with the Danville Area Humane Society to host an Exam Week Pet Cuddle Event, offering students a much-needed reprieve during the stressful exam week. This event exemplified DCC's commitment to student well-being and community partnerships. Thank you to the Danville Area Humane Society for bringing furry friends to campus!
December continued to be a time of celebration and camaraderie as we welcomed incoming spring semester students during the DCC ROCKS Orientation on December 15th. It was a joy to extend a warm welcome and set the tone for their academic journey.
Also on December 15, I had the pleasure of judging our annual Holiday Door Decorating Contest on campus, along with Dr. Cornelius Johnson and two of our board members. We had a number of departments take the door decorating to another level this year with amazing holiday themes.
First Place: Business Services
Theme: Winter Wonderland Knight
Second Place: Marketing & Public Relations
Theme: Grinchbucks
Third Place (TIED): RCATT Theme: Gingerbread Village
Financial Aid Theme: Whoville
On the evening of December 15th, we gathered to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our nursing students at the RN Nurse Pinning Ceremony. Becoming a licensed Registered Nurse takes an incredible amount of grit and perseverance and we are proud of our students who accomplished this monumental goal.
One of the most poignant moments of the season was our DCC Holiday Gathering and Retirement Celebration on December 19th, where we bid farewell to Connie Wann, my esteemed executive assistant, who diligently served DCC for 45 years. As I approach my own milestone of turning 40 this month, I am humbled by Connie's unwavering dedication and the collective contributions of our retirees.
We invited all DCC retirees, staff, and faculty to join in at our holiday gathering which included a magician, raffle prizes, 'Most Festive Attire' contest, games, and fun! The event was filled with laughter, reminiscence, and a strong sense of togetherness.
The fall semester concluded with resounding success as we celebrated an 8.41% increase in enrollment, marking the fifth consecutive semester of growth for DCC. In Fall 2022, DCC had 1,358 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE). In Fall 2023 the enrollment finished at 1,473 (FTE) for an increase of 125 FTEs for the semester. I am immensely proud of our faculty and staff for their commitment to academic excellence and student success, which remains the cornerstone of our institution.
As we welcomed the new year, Allyson and I had the pleasure of joining our community for the New Year's Eve 'Golden Leaf Drop' in the River District in Danville. This event was the first of its kind for the City of Danville and DCC is proud to have sponsored this exciting inaugural Leaf Drop!
On January 11, I surprised DCC employees with two pop-up appreciation events in the morning and afternoon. I always encourage our faculty and staff to go the extra mile for our students, so I wanted to provide them with some recognition for their hard work. The appreciation event included board games, food, raffle prizes, and fellowship with colleagues.
Ace was back in action on January 12th and 19th as we began our 'Ace the Mighty' Coloring Contest Pizza Celebrations! We returned to Union Hall Elementary School and Mt. Airy Elementary School to provide pizza, goodies, and a visit from Ace to the coloring contest winner's classrooms.
I was honored to be invited to celebrate Caesars Virginia Casino 'Topping Off' Ceremony on January 18th, alongside many other leaders from the region. I vividly remember attending the Caesars Groundbreaking Ceremony in my first 60 days as DCC President. To witness the instant impact that Caesars has made on the community, workforce, and local entertainment industry has been amazing and impressive.
During the week of January 22nd - 26th, I traveled to New Orleans to attend the Workforce Development Institute hosted by the American Association of Community Colleges. Serving as a commissioner for AACC Workforce and Economic Development, this conference allows leaders in workforce training to build connections, share best practices, and learn about upcoming legislation.
Last, I want to congratulate Mr. Jeff Haley on being selected as a new Virginia Community College System state board member! Danville Community College is so thrilled to have representation on the state board from the City of Danville and we have the utmost confidence in Mr. Haley’s passion for education!
Beginning the week of February 12, Ace will hit the road again as we take the 'Ace the Mighty' Book Tour to Halifax County. We will visit 7 elementary schools to share 'Ace the Mighty Conquers Knight School', a book about perseverance and accomplishing goals, with students in 2nd - 4th grades.
2024 is shaping up to be an exciting, productive, and engaging year for Danville Community College. I cannot wait to see what success and fun the remainder of the year will hold. Go Knights!