Registration is now open for Danville Community College’s (DCC) second fall minimester. On October 18, DCC’s innovative eight-week session will provide accelerated learning opportunities for anyone who did not have a chance to register for the full semester or needs a more flexible option. Minimester allows students to enroll in a variety of core courses, completing them in only eight weeks, versus the traditional 16-week length of a full academic term.
“Each semester, we aim to offer various times and class session lengths to expand the range of options for students as they complete their goals,” said Dr. Cornelius Johnson, vice president of academic affairs and student services. “This offers students a variety of opportunities to enroll for the fall semester if they missed our August deadline. It also allows students to pick up additional core classes and complete their programs faster than the traditional 16-week semester.”
Students who are interested in taking a second eight-week course are encouraged to apply for financial aid and scholarships now to reduce or eliminate out-of-pocket costs for these classes.
“We have so many opportunities for students to apply for tuition funds, whether through FAFSA, G3, or our scholarship application,” Johnson said. “We are so pleased to be able to offer the opportunity for students to pursue higher education without impacting their personal finances.”
A complete list of all eight-week courses being offered can be found online at
“We’re making every effort to offer classes that are in line with our certificate and degree programs to ensure students have the pathway to complete their credentials in a timely manner,” Johnson said. “We hope that these additional course offerings will increase options and access for our students from all walks of life.”
For more information or to register for the second eight-week minimester, visit