Danville Community College (DCC), in keeping with their COVID-19 taskforce plan and the recommendations set forth by the Virginia Community College System, plans to partially reopen their campus to students who are enrolled in technical/workforce programs that require face-to-face instruction on July 1, 2020. Fall semester classes will begin on August 24, with lecture-based classes remaining online, and technical/workforce lab experiences being held on-campus.
July 1 – Partial Reopening of the DCC Campus
Only students who are enrolled in the following programs will be allowed to attend in-person lab sessions on the DCC campus:
• Dental Hygiene
• Cosmetology
• Welding
• Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
• Precision Machining Technology (Associate degree)
• Automotive Analysis and Repair
• Graphic Imaging
• Electrical/Electronics
• Industrial Maintenance/Mechanical
• Dimensional Inspection (Metrology)
• Integrated Machining Technology
• Nursing (Offsite Clinicals)
• Nurse Aid
• Pharmacy Tech
• Cybersecurity
“The safety of our faculty, staff, and students is important to us,” said Jaqueline Gill Powell, president of DCC. “As such, we have taken numerous steps to ensure that technical students’ return to campus is safe, orderly, and compliant with the latest CDC and VDH guidelines. Our COVID-19 Taskforce has compiled these steps into a comprehensive plan that encompasses cleaning and sanitation, social distancing, reconfigured classrooms, and personal protective equipment.”
Partial Reopening of Student-serving Offices
DCC will also be reopening several student and public serving offices to better assist students with enrollment, financial aid, tuition payments, and other services.
On July 1, the following offices will be staffed on campus Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. to assist students:
• Financial Aid
• Student Services
• Admissions
• Library
• Business Office
These offices will continue to operate remotely on Fridays.
Face Coverings Required
In accordance with the mandate set forth by Governor Ralph Northam’s office, DCC will require that all students, faculty, and staff wear a mask or face covering while indoors on campus. They ask that all returning students bring and wear their own mask to campus for scheduled labs or any business they may have to conduct with student-serving offices. DCC will have limited quantities of face coverings available for those who do not own a mask.
UKnighted: 6 Feet Apart Campaign
Along with their partial campus reopening on July 1st, DCC also marks the beginning of their ‘UKnighted: 6 Feet Apart’ campaign. Around the campus, there are signs, floor decals, and branded items that carry a unique logo featuring a knight wearing a face covering. This campaign will serve as the official communication method for all messages to students related to the reopening of the campus, and for reminders related to social distancing, hand hygiene, and other personal safety measures.
“We wanted a unique and special campaign for our return to campus,” said Gill Powell. “By taking our mascot and creating a logo that includes a face covering and a reminder to social distance, we feel we’ve created an eye-catching way to remind students of the continued practices that will help keep our campus safe.”
Continued Online Options
Students and members of faculty and staff who are immunocompromised and have concerns about returning to campus will have the opportunity to participate in alternate work and learning methods.
“We understand that some members of our student body and our faculty/staff will not be able to return to campus right away due to health-related concerns”, said Gill Powell. “We will continue to offer a robust array of online learning opportunities for our students and we will support our immunocompromised colleagues as they continue to work from home.”
Gill Powell acknowledged that the situation is fluid and is subject to change at any time, contingent upon the presence of COVID-19 on the DCC campus.
“Should we learn of a case of COVID-19 on campus, we will comply fully with the recommendations of the Virginia Department of Health, including the possibility of closing campus again for a period of time,” said Gill Powell.
While the path to reopening has been challenging and uncertain, Gill Powell praises the contributions of students, as well as faculty and staff members, during the campus closure.
“I want to thank students, faculty, and staff for their flexibility, cooperation, dedication, and hard work since this situation began to unfold in March,” said Gill Powell. “I am confident, now more than ever, in our ability to stand ‘UKNIGHTED’ in even the most uncertain and unprecedented circumstances.
For more information and details regarding the full ‘Return to Campus’ plan, visit www.danville.edu/coronavirus.