Danville Community College (DCC) launched its inaugural Early College Program cohort, in partnership with Danville Public Schools (DPS), in August 2022 with 20 students enrolled. Now, a year later, DCC has seen its enrollment in the Early College Program more than triple with 73 high school juniors and seniors who began college classes on campus on August 21.
“We have seen exponential growth within the Early College Program this year,” said Cathy Pulliam, Dean of Student Services. “The Early College Program is the collective effort of DCC and DPS to make certain that we are doing all we can to put high school students in our community on the right track to an affordable, accessible education and a seamless transfer to a four-year university.”
The Early College Program allows qualified high school juniors to opt into courses that provide both high school and college credit to satisfy their graduation requirements, completing their last two years of high school at DCC. Students who successfully complete the program will graduate high school with an advanced studies high school diploma and an Associate of Arts and Sciences Degree in liberal arts.
“The Early College Program is an incredible opportunity for juniors in the Danville Public School System,” said Dr. Cornelius Johnson, Vice President of Academic Affairs & Student Services. “As more parents and students hear about this program, I expect we will see continued growth and increased numbers for years to come. We will stay committed to expanding access to higher education for residents of Danville City, Pittsylvania County, and Halifax County.”
The Early College Program is free of charge for all participating students. To participate in this program, students in the Danville Public School System must complete an application that evaluates their GPA, attendance, teacher recommendations, extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and other recognition and awards.
"It is Danville Public Schools' mission to ensure students graduate college and/or career ready," said Dr. Angela Hairston, Superintendent of Danville Public Schools. "Through our Early College partnership with DCC, we are able to do just that by jump-starting their higher education journey."
For more information on the Early College program, contact Cathy Pulliam at 434-797-8538.