On Wednesday, February 23, GE Aviation representatives held a recruiting event for Danville Community College (DCC) precision machining students.
“GE Aviation is an industry leader in manufacturing aircraft engines,” said Josh McDowell, precision machining associate professor at DCC. “The prospect of being able to work in such a cutting-edge, critical industry after graduation is an excellent opportunity for our students.”
Representation from GE Wilmington, GE Asheville, and GE West Jefferson, all locations in North Carolina, were present for the recruiting event where machining students learned about the various career paths open to them after completion of the two-year precision machining program.
“These aviation facilities are always looking for talented machinists, CNC Programmers, and CNC operators,” said McDowell. “These entry-level roles have compensation packages that begin at $52,000 with excellent benefits, and progress at a rate dependent on the individual.”
GE is just one of many manufacturing companies looking for talent to fill critical roles in the field of precision machining.
“The mission and goal of our Workforce Services division is to provide our students with the cutting-edge training they need, while ensuring there are high-paying careers available to these students upon completion of their credential,” said Dr. Mickles, interim president for Danville Community College. “This recruitment event simply reinforces the value and earning potential for students who complete one of our programs.”
For more information about the precision machining program at DCC, or to enroll, visit www.danville.edu/nextsteps and fill out the interest form.
Danville Community College is a two-year institution of higher education under the statewide Virginia Community College System. DCC's service area includes the City of Danville, Pittsylvania County, and Halifax County. For more information about the College’s nearly 100 programs of study, visit www.danville.edu.