Nursing Application Process

The Nursing Program at Danville Community College is a selective admission program, meaning that there are additional requirements that applicants must meet in order to enroll in the Nursing Program. These requirement are above and beyond the application requirements for admission to Danville Community College as a whole. 

There are a limited number of spaces available in the Nursing Program annually. Thus, the application process is rigorous and only the most qualified applicants are accepted for the seats available. Submission of the application does not guarantee your acceptance into the program. Your application will be evaluated in comparison to all other applications received to determine your eligibility.

Please carefully review the “Steps to Nursing Program Admission.” Once you are ready to apply, please visit and click on “Nursing Application Checklist.” This checklist will assist you with the application process. For questions, please contact the Nursing Department at (434) 797-8512.

Please note that the DCC Nursing Program will accept applications for the RN and LPN programs from January 13 – April 18, 2025. We will not accept any applications prior to January 13, 2025. Danville Community College has partnered with Elsevier HESI testing to bring our students the best, most reliable testing products available. The HESI test (Nursing Entrance Exam) will be open the same time our application period will be open, January 13 – April 18, 2025. 

Steps to Nursing Program Admission:


  • Admission to Danville Community College

    You must be admitted to DCC before you can be considered for admission to the Nursing Program.  Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the Nursing Program. Click here to complete your DCC application.

  • Submit Official Transcripts

    High School – the Virginia Board of Nursing requires an official sealed copy of your high school transcript or GED to be on file in the nursing office. 

    College transcripts – You may attach an unofficial copy of your DCC transcript to include with your Nursing Program application.  If you have attended another Virginia Community College, please include an unofficial copy of those transcripts with your application.

    If you attended any other college/university, you will need an official transcript for the Nursing Department.

    If the requested transcripts are not included as stated above your application WILL NOT be evaluated for admission into the program


  • Academic Requirements

    Applicants must have:

    • Graduation from high school or completed a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) by the time of application.


    • For RN program ONLY:  At time of application, students must be currently enrolled in or have completed the following five courses with a grade of C or better:     

              SDV 100    
              ENG 111
              MTH 133 or NUR 135  (MTH 133 or NUR 135 will be accepted)
              PSY 230
              BIO 141

              Earn a GPA OF 2.5 or higher on the five courses listed above.


    • For LPN program ONLY:  At time of application, students must be currently enrolled in or have completed the following courses with a grade of C or better:        

              ENG 111
              MTH 133 or NUR 135 (MTH 133 or NUR 135 will be accepted)
              BIO 141
              BIO 142

              Earned a GPA OF 2.0 or higher


    • There is no expiration date for BIO 141 or BIO 142; however, if these courses are 10 years old or older, you should consider retaking them.
    • NUR 135 must not be older than 2 years at the time of application submission.
    • Transfer courses must be evaluated by the Dean of Arts, Sciences & Business and/or the Nursing Program Director prior to substituting these courses for required courses. Nursing courses from schools outside of the VCCS will not be transferred in for nursing program credit.  




  • Re-entry

    If you are applying for readmission to the nursing program you must complete the Request for Re-entry form to be considered for re-acceptance.

  • Nursing Entrance Exam

    The DCC Nursing Program will accept applications for the RN and LPN programs from January 13 – April 18, 2025. We will not accept any applications prior to January 13, 2025. Danville Community College has partnered with Elsevier HESI testing to bring our students the best, most reliable testing products available. The HESI test (Nursing Entrance Exam) will be open the same time our application period will be open, January 13 – April 18, 2025

    Danville Community College has partnered with Elsevier HESI testing to bring our students the best, most reliable testing products available. The HESI test (Nursing Entrance Exam) will be open the same time our application period will be open, January 13 – April 18, 2025

    1. Please open and follow the instructions on the attached document for creating an account and paying for the HESI Entrance Exam HESI MBS Payment Directions Danville Community College
    1. After creating an account and paying for the entrance exam, please review the HESI testing dates/times below.  To reserve a testing seat, please contact the Learning Resource Center via e-mail,, or call (434) 797-8404.  Please note that you will only be allowed to take the HESI Entrance Exam once during the application period. 

      Elsevier HESI Assessment and your school have partnered to bring you the best, most reliable testing products available. This is to advise that you must make the following payment in order to sit for your upcoming HESI exam.

      Students please make your payment using the information below.

      Order ID

      Payment ID





      RN Admission Assessment w/CT (A2)-1st Time Tester


    2. Order ID

      Payment ID





      PN Admission Assessment w/CT (A2)-1st Time Tester


      To make your payment, login to Evolve using the link below and then click on the "Student Access" link where you will be instructed to complete the required payment information. If you have any questions or are having trouble making the payment please visit Evolve Support


    Spring 2025 HESI Dates and Times

    January 13 – March 6 and March 17 – April 3

    Monday – Thursday

    8:15am – 2:30pm

    Note: DCC is closed January 20

    Spring Break 2025 Testing Hours

    March 10 – March 13

    Monday – Thursday

    8:15am – 11:30am


    Extended HESI Testing

    March 31 – April 17

    Monday – Thursday

    8:15am – 2:30pm

    To reserve a testing seat, email:, or call 434-797-8404.

    To reserve a testing seat, you will need to email:, or call: 434-797-8404.

  • Required Health Screenings and Background Checks

    If you are accepted into the Nursing Program, prior to the beginning of the first semester in the nursing sequence, you must provide, at your own expense, the following:

    •    Medical Release Form - declares that the student meets the health standards specified in the document and signed by the health care provider
    •    Verified Immunity to Measels, Mumps, Rubella, and Chicken Pox by titer - If found non-immune, applicant must provide evidence of vaccines in progress
    •    Verification of Tdap Vaccine within last 10 years
    •    A negative result on a current Tuberculosis skin test - annual requirement
    •    Proof of immunity to Hepatitis B, immunization series documentation, or signed declination waiver
    •    Current Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers Certification - certification must be maintained throughout program
    •    Criminal background check -  required annually
    •    Drug Screen - required annually
    •    Verification of seasonal influenza vaccine - required annually
    •    Proof of student professional liability insurance - required annually
    •    COVID-19 Vaccination is required to participate in clinicals with our community partners -  Please note that this is not a DCC requirement


  • Scholarships

    The Danville Community College Educational Foundation offers scholarships that are specific to the Nursing Program. Among those are the Silverman and Zechman Awards.If you are interested in applying for scholarships, please click here to review the scholarship requirements and application. Please note that the Nursing Program Department does not handle scholarship applications or the awarding/dispersing of scholarships.