Scientific Literacy

Scientific Literacy is the ability to apply the scientific method and related concepts and principles to make informed decisions and engage with issues related to the natural, physical, and social world. Degree graduates will recognize and know how to us the scientific method, and to evaluate empirical information.

The following courses were planned for use to assess Scientific Literacy for the 2020-2021 academic year. Further assessment reporting is scheduled to be available Fall 2024.

  • BIO 101 General Biology

    Student Learning Outcomes

    Identify: Students will recognize the steps of the scientific method of inquiry leading to evidenced-based knowledge.


    Selected questions on exams related to the scientific method

    Criteria of Success

    At least 60% of students will score 70% or higher on selected items on specified exams.


    Data were collected from both fall and spring semester classes. The questions on the quiz were provided to all instructors teaching the laboratory sections of BIO 101 (General Biology I), and the instructors were asked to administer the quiz several weeks after the concepts being assessed were initially taught.

    79% of students successfully scored a 70% (or higher) on the assessment concerning terminology and concepts about the scientific method. This exceeded our expectation of 70% that would be expected to do so.


    70 students assessed out of 95 as a combined total from fall and spring. Assessment was conducted after withdrawal date, so some students originally enrolled in the course did not take the assessment.

     Use of Results for Continuous Improvement

    Additional effort will be spent on providing more examples to students in future labs to reinforce the earlier learning while providing additional practice for application of the concepts. Incorporating two or three additional examples and relating them back to previous concepts will be done in future BIO 101 labs. This will be shared with all biology lab instructors for inclusion into future labs by the next review cycle.

  • PSY 230 Developmental Psychology

    Student Learning Outcomes

    Identify: Students will distinguish between experimental research and correlational relationships.


    Subset of items from a specified exam or item(s) included in an alternate assessment

    Criteria of Success

    At least 60% of students will score 70% or higher either on a subset of items from a specified exam or on the item(s) included in an alternate assessment.


    15 of 24 scored 70% or higher on 5-item quiz on experimental and correlational research methods. Thus, 62.5% of 24 tested students scored 70% or higher.


    Assessed 24 out of 26.

     Use of Results for Continuous Improvement

    Substantial research exists showing that frequent quizzing or testing helps to improve long-term learning outcomes. Thus, one option for improving scientific reasoning is to include scientific method questions on quizzes and tests throughout the semester. This suggestion will be shared with PSY230 instructors, and they will be encouraged to include scientific reasoning questions on quizzes and tests throughout the course.

  • CHM 111 General Chemistry I

    Student Learning Outcomes

    Identify: Students will explain and describe the general structure and procedures of the scientific method.


    Selected questions on exams related to the scientific method

    Criteria of Success

    At least 60% of students will score 70% or higher either on a subset of items from a specified exam or on the item(s) included in an alternate assessment.


    75% of students scored greater than 70%.


    12 students out of 15 enrolled.

     Use of Results for Continuous Improvement

    Increased efforts of engagement to encourage more submissions by all students.

  • IND 243 Principles and Applications in Mechatronics

    Student Learning Outcomes

    Integrate: Students will create a functional circuit based on the electricity and basic circuit knowledge and skills learned in mechatronics.


    Functional Circuit In-class Project rubric

    Criteria of Success

    At least 75% of students will successfully create a functional circuit that provides proper electricity to a motor.


    No assessment data reported.


    None reported

  • MAC 254 Machining Flow Cell IT Integration

    Student Learning Outcomes

    Evaluate: Students will effectively track process capability and process performance.


    Lab Exercise rubric

    Criteria of Success

    At least 70% of students will score an 80 (out of 100) or higher on the process capability and process performance lab exercise.


    73.7% (14 out of 19) students scored 80% or higher on the process capability lab exercise


    19 students assessed and 19 enrolled

     Use of Results for Continuous Improvement

    The skills learned to prepare students for the process capability lab are taught in prerequisite courses during the previous semester. Moving forward students will have a review period for skills needed in MAC 254 at the beginning of the class. Tutoring will still be offered Monday-Friday from 3PM-5PM for those who need extra assistance.