Testing Center

The Testing Center proctors both make-up tests and distance learning exams. It can also facilitate testing for distance learning students at off-campus locations. The Testing Center is located on the upper-level of the Learning Resources Center. Exams can be administered as paper & pencil, Internet, or secure browser based exams. Tests are proctored during regular LRC hours.  For additional information, contact the Testing Center at (434) 797-8404 or email the Testing Center at testingcenter@danville.edu or Fax at (434) 797-8415.   

Testing For DCC Students - Make an Appointment

On-Campus Testing Procedures

  1. Make an appointment with the Testing Center This form must be used to assure a seat at a time we are open.
  2. Present a PHOTO ID to the proctor at the desk in the Testing Center.
  3. Only authorized testing materials are allowed in the testing room. All personal items including book bags, cell phones, purses, etc. will be stored in a secure area directed by the test proctor.
  4. Please give yourself enough time to complete your test before the LRC's closing time.  All tests must be completed 15 minutes before closing (see LRC Hours).
  5. Noise will be kept to a minimum within the Testing Center and test takers will be asked to refrain from talking or other distracting noise.  Please do not bring children to the Testing Center. 
  6.  Arrangements for any special accommodations must be made prior to the test date.
  7.  All retests are subject to the specific requirements of the instructor.

For DCC Faculty - On campus proctor request form (PDF)

Disability Services

If you need special accommodations based on a documented disability, reasonable accommodations for qualified students will be given. All documentation must be submitted prior to scheduling an examination.   If you have a disability or other need for reasonable accommodations, please contact the ADA Counselor in the Counseling and Admissions Office to discuss this matter.   Arrangements for special accommodations must be made prior to the test date.  Please contact the ADA Counselor in the Counseling and Admissions Office of the Wyatt Building, or call 434-797-8572 or 434-688-0136 (VP) to discuss this matter. 

Off-Campus Testing Procedures for DCC Students

DCC students needing exams or other course assignments proctored off-campus should do the following:

  1. Locate a proctor at least two weeks prior to any test date. Community colleges within the Virginia Community College System will typically provide proctoring services for VCCS students. It is the student’s responsibility to know if they are required to have proctored exams. 
  2. Review the Test Proctoring Procedures and the Student / Proctor Agreement Form below.  To protect the integrity of examinations, DCC reserves the right to reject any proposed proctor or any previously approved proctor. The student should complete and sign the student section. Then have your proctor complete, sign, and fax this form to (434) 797-8415 or email to testingcenter@danville.edu for approval. 
  3. Any special accommodations that the student might need must be documented with DCC prior to the testing date.
  4. REMEMBER: The student is responsible for contacting the proctor and scheduling appointments for exams. 
  5. Fees may be associated with proctoring services. It is the student’s responsibility to pay any fees associated with test proctoring such as envelopes and postage for returning a test, special proctoring fees, etc.

Testing Locations

Test Proctoring Forms

Testing Procedures for Non-DCC Students

Proctored testing for non-DCC students taking distance learning courses from other colleges or universities is conducted in a monitored and controlled environment. For additional information, contact the Testing Center at (434) 797-8404, or email the Testing Center at testingcenter@danville.edu, or Fax (434) 797-8415.

  1. Distance learning exams may be administered as paper & pencil, Internet, or secure browser based exams.
  2. Retests are subject to the specific requirements of the institution providing the exam.
  3. Please contact the Testing Center at least two weeks prior to the examination.  Special requirements may be possible if sufficient notice is provided.
  4. DCC does not currently charge a fee for proctored examinations.  However, the College reserves the right not to provide test proctoring services to any individuals or groups who are not DCC students or employees. 
  5. Please give yourself enough time to complete your test before the closing time.  All tests must be completed 15 minutes before closing (see LRC Hours).
  6.  If you require special accommodations based on a documented disability, reasonable accommodations for qualified students will be given. 

Placement Testing

The College's placement testing is managed through the Admissions Office.  For information, please contact (434) 797-8467 or visit the Office in the Wyatt building.


DCC Testing Center

Upper level of LRC