Theodore Maier
- Professor of English and Spanish
Career Pathway: College & University Transfer
- Office434-797-8507
- Temple Building

Ieisha Majors
- Administrative Assistant to the VP of Academic Affairs and Student Services
- Office434-797-8456
- Wyatt Building
- Rm 211

Melissa Mann
- Dean of Career Technical Education
- Office434-797-8475
- Charles R. Hawkins Engineering & Industrial Technologies
- Rm 141

Christopher Marshall
- Information Technology Specialist I
- Office434-797-8531
- Learning Resources Center Ground Floor

Barry Mayo
- Recruiter: TARE, CAPE, & SCALE-UP
- Office434-797-8429
- Wyatt Building
- Rm 101

Josh McDowell
- Assistant Professor of Precision Machining Technology
Career Pathway: Advanced Manufacturing & Skilled Trades
- Office434-797-8519
- Hawkins Building

Mark Mills
- Criminal Justice Instructor
Career Pathway: Public Service & Safety
- Office434-797-8585
- Temple Building

Myra Moore
- Student Success Coach
- Office(434) 797-8544
- Wyatt Building
- Rm 101E

Toni Morris
- Early College Dual Enrollment Coordinator
- Office(434) 797-8520
- Temple Building
- Rm 102

Mary Motley
- Instructor of Developmental Mathematics
Career Pathway: College & University Transfer
- Office434-797-6426
- Temple Building