Lisa Fowlkes
- Outreach Specialist
- Serves Chatham High School & Gretna High School
- Office434-797-8562
- Wyatt Building
- Rm 113
Dr. Paul Fox
- Dean
- Professor of Chemistry
- Office434-797-8403
- Temple Building
Brandon Furgurson
- Instructor of Integrated Machine Technology
Career Pathway: Advanced Manufacturing & Skilled Trades
- Office(434) 766-6617
- Gene Haas Center - Institute for Advanced Learning & Research
- Rm L101
Alexa Gauldin
- Lab and Clinical Coordinator
- Office(434) 797-8581
- Foundation Hall
- Rm 233
Tina Gauldin
- Dental Hygiene Program Director
Career Pathway: Healthcare
- Office434-797-8548
- Foundation Hall
Mary George
- Financial Aid Specialist
- Office(434) 797-8324
- Wyatt Building
- Rm 111
Benny Goodman
- Tutoring Center Coordinator
- Office434-797-6432
- Learning Resources Center Main Floor
Tiffany Graham
- Graphic Imaging Technology Instructor
Career Pathway: Arts & Communication
- Office434-797-8574
- Hill Building
Katina Graves
- Accountant
- Office434-797-8418
- Wyatt Building
McKenly Graves
- Information Technology Specialist I
- Office434-797-8406
- Learning Resources Center Ground Floor