Nursing Programs
Welcome to Nursing!
Welcome from Program Director Dr. James Emerson
Mission Statement
The mission of the VCCS Nursing Program is to provide affordable, community access to quality nursing education. The VCCS nursing programs prepare qualified students to provide safe, competent, entry-level nursing care in 21st century healthcare environments. Students are prepared to meet the ever-increasing complexity of the healthcare needs of the citizens of Virginia.
Faculty will serve as facilitators of quality education; offer a well-rounded program of co-curricular experience for personal, cultural and intellectual development, while promoting principles of personal and interpersonal skills and team collaboration.
VCCS nursing faculty ascribe to the core competencies for nursing and nursing education. While firmly based in science and the arts, the essence of nursing is caring and compassionate patient centered care. Ethical standards, respect for individual dignity, and consideration of cultural context are implicit in the practice of patient centered care. The nurse advocates for patients and families in ways that promote self-determination, integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings. Nursing care is provided in collaboration with the patient, the family and members of the health care team. The nurse displays a spirit of inquiry by examining evidence to improve quality of care, promote safety and improve patient outcomes. Nursing judgment is integral to making competent decisions related to the provision of safe and effective nursing care. Information management essential to nursing care is communicated via a variety of technological and human means.
The faculty of the Practical Nursing Department accepts the philosophy and purpose of Danville Community College as a basis for developing the program. In addition, the faculty believes that:
- Every individual is a unique being who has value and worth and the potential to change and grow.
- Health is a desirable quality of life that enables an individual to experience physical, emotional and psychological well-being. Each person in our society has the right to health care that is affordable, obtainable, and delivered in a competent and respectful manner.
- Nursing is a blend of humanistic and scientific aspects of health care designed to promote and maintain an optimal health status for patients of all ages.
Choose Your Track
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Track
Upon completion, graduates are eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN).
Bridge Track (LPN to RN)
Licensed Practical Nurses may choose this track to obtain their Registered Nurse (RN) License
Registered Nurse (RN) Track
Upon successful completion of the program, students will be eligible to take the National Licensure Examination leading to licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN).