Greeting Time: Educational table toys, library and art activities are available. This is a relaxed time of day giving the teachers an opportunity to greet parents and children. Our goal is to work for a smooth transition for children from home to "school." Important events and feelings can be discussed at this time.
Breakfast/ Lunch/ PM Snack: Meals are served family style, meet nutritional USDA requirements, and are low in fat and sugar content. Menus are posted throughout the center.
Circle Time: Interactive, instructional activity designed to build cognitive, social, and academic skills. Age-appropriate materials (picture cards, ABC's, numbers, shapes, colors, etc.), games, music, literature, calendar and weather concepts are reviewed.
Interest Centers: Areas in the classroom designed to provide opportunities in dramatic play, problem solving, exploration, and expansions related to each theme introduced. The basic interest centers are Block Area, Housekeeping, Manipulative, Creative Art, Language, Computer, and Science.
Small Group Activity Time: Activities in Math, Science, Creative Art, Writing, and Language provide small group or individual hands-on opportunities for experimentation with a variety of materials. These activities may take place outside or inside.
Large Activity Time: Activities in muscle, social games, group music and dance, language and creative movement outside or inside.
Outside Time: Each group will be outside both morning and afternoon. If conditions warrant, we check weather.com to determine if any air quality concerns exist.
Afternoon Schedule: Rest time, opportunities in music, games, classroom responsibilities, manipulative, or other interest areas as well as outside play.
Parent Conference & Notifications: Our well-trained staff invite parents and students to observe and participate with us in our children's education. Twice yearly you will receive written notification of your child's progress and any special concerns. But, as with children, face to face communication is best.