Mr. Steve Carrigan
Associate Professor, Information Systems Technology
"I enjoy working with the other faculty, staff, and administration. They are the best. I enjoy the support I receive from administration for my programs. Without their support my program would not be the success it is today. I enjoy working with students and seeing their progress and their success (when they become successful I too feel I was successful). I simply enjoy the career I have chosen in IT and how fortunate I am to have DCC so close to my home and family."

Ms. Mary Motley
Instructor of Developmental Mathematics
“My number one reason for coming to work each day is MY STUDENTS!! I thoroughly enjoy seeing the delight in a student’s face when they actually understand a math concept they have been struggling with. I have so many of my students come into math class with a feeling of defeat from the beginning. They often tell me, “I have never been able to do math!" I quickly reply, “That may have been then, but this is now. The first thing we must change is your attitude. Yes, math may be hard for you and you may struggle, but you must tell yourself that you CAN DO MATH! We will do it together!" And when they are successful, we celebrate together."

Ms. Ana Ruiz-Fodor
Associate Professor of History
“I love teaching history at DCC because in their learning process our students identify past events with present events and make wise projections for their future."

Richie Robertson
Associate Professor of Administrative Support Technology
"I enjoy working at DCC because of the family atmosphere and the opportunity to help students achieve their career goals."

Andre Jordan
Bookstore Manager
“DCC has always been a nice place to work because of the strong family atmosphere. Folks care about you. Watching students succeed brings added joy."