Students Named to DCC President’s Honors List for Fall 2021
One hundred and ninety-three Danville, Pittsylvania County, and Halifax County residents were recently named to the Danville Community College President’s Honors List for the Fall 2021 semester.
Students Named to DCC Vice President’s Honors List for Fall 2021
One hundred and forty-nine Danville, Pittsylvania County, and Halifax County residents were recently named to the Danville Community College Vice President’s Honors List for the Fall 2021 semester.

Area Students Attend Idea Fair Award Ceremony at DCC
On Friday, December 17th, students from Danville Public Schools, Pittsylvania County Public Schools, and DCC gathered virtually and in-person in Oliver Hall on the DCC campus to attend the 2021 Idea Fair award ceremony.
DCC Ramps up Student Focus for Spring Semester
In an effort to better serve students and those who may be interested in attending classes in the spring, DCC is now open for registration for the Spring 2022 semester with more opportunities than ever for potential students to come to campus and get enrolled.
Danville Community College Dedicates, Names Welding Facility
DCC and the Danville Community College Educational Foundation held a dedication and naming ceremony for their state-of-the-art welding facility, now known officially as Kiwanis Club of Danville Foundation – Danville Lions Foundation, Inc., Welding Center of Excellence.
DCC Celebrates ‘Virginia College Application Week’ with Prizes, Scholarships, Open House
From November 15-19, Danville Community College will be celebrating ‘Virginia College Application Week.’ The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia began this celebratory week seven years ago as a structured opportunity for support for high schools to assist seniors in applying to at least one college.
Danville Community College to Host Open House on Nov. 17
Danville Community College will host an open house event on Wednesday, November 17, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the DCC Student Center. The event will include one-on-one enrollment assistance, financial aid support, and fun activities.

Danville Community College Begins Registration for Spring 2022 on Nov. 1
Registration for spring semester classes at Danville Community College will open on November 1.

DCC Nursing Program Information Session Draws Students and Community
DCC hosted a Nursing Program Information Session on October 19 that drew many interested students and community members, both in-person and virtually via Zoom. Attendees were presented with a variety of information addressing the nursing program application process, program requirements, and what to expect.

DCC Project Director Named President of State Association
DCC announced this week that TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers Project Director Sharon Harris has been named as the new president of the Virginia Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel.